Human Capital: Talent Attraction & Retention
HSE University considers human capital as essential for its target model. Our focus is on the further individualization of professional tracks together with increasing the University’s attraction for specialists from the global academic job market.
Professional development tools:
- Expanding mobility opportunities for academic staff: lengthy sabbatical leaves, international internships, traineeships at external organisations, travel budgets, etc.
- Building a system for ongoing professional development based on individual plans and flexible modular systems, as well as online and blended learning programmes.
- Expanding language support.
Attracting and cultivating talent:
- Boosting the density of the HSE University's professional and academic community and its global reputation.
- Aligning criteria for Russian and international recruits, stabilising contractual terms for leading specialists, and holding unified competitions for faculty members and researchers.
- Implementing an advanced doctoral studies model and recruiting international and Russian postdocs.
Competitive working conditions:
- Ensuring access to unique databases, library resources and lab equipment, both at the University and its partner organisations.
- Offering competitive remuneration and attractive contract terms, long-term bonuses and incentives for outstanding achievements in research.
- Ensuring comfortable retirement for distinguished academics with the assignment of special status positions.
- Performance-based incentivising of administrative staff while also boosting quality of work using digital tools.
- Expanding social packages for staff members.
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