HSE University Strategic Development

Tag "IQ media"

How Children Become Adults: HSE Researchers Study Emerging Adulthood in Russia

How Children Become Adults: HSE Researchers Study Emerging Adulthood in Russia
Childhood, adolescence, emerging adulthood

Microlasers with Quantum Dots Remain Functional at Elevated Temperatures

Microlasers with Quantum Dots Remain Functional at Elevated Temperatures
HSE physicists bring the photonic revolution in electronics closer to reality

Card Index: 'Success and Self-Sustainability of the Individual in a Changing World'

Card Index: 'Success and Self-Sustainability of the Individual in a Changing World'
HSE Strategic Project

Deep Neural Networks Can Make Particle Physics Experiments Less Costly

Deep Neural Networks Can Make Particle Physics Experiments Less Costly
An optimisation solution has been proposed by the MODE collaboration, which includes HSE researchers

HSE Neuroscientists Use Neural Network to Enhance Neurofeedback Technology

HSE Neuroscientists Use Neural Network to Enhance Neurofeedback Technology
They succeeded in reducing the delay between a change in brain activity and the corresponding feedback signal by a factor of 50

Online Rhythmic Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Can Reveal the Precise Moment When Preferences Shift in the Human Brain

Online Rhythmic Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Can Reveal the Precise Moment When Preferences Shift in the Human Brain
An online experiment by HSE researchers has contributed to our understanding of the neurodynamics of cognitive dissonance