HSE University Strategic Development

On Campus

HSE University Starts Collaboration with Jawaharlal Nehru University in India

HSE University Starts Collaboration with Jawaharlal Nehru University in India
HSE University has signed a memorandum of understanding with India's leading university, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. All HSE campuses will participate in the collaboration. Under the memorandum, the two universities will share teaching experience, conduct joint research, and organise short-term academic and cultural exchange programmes.

HSE University and University of Tehran Sign Cooperation Agreement

Nikita Anisimov and Seyed Mohammad Moghimi (centre)
In early July 2024, the HSE University delegation led by Rector Nikita Anisimov visited Iran to participate in ceremonies celebrating the 90th anniversary of the University of Tehran and the 1757th anniversary of higher education in Iran. During the visit, HSE representatives signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Tehran, and discussions were held with other organisations in the Islamic Republic.

HSE University and Vietnam National University Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University and Vietnam National University Sign Cooperation Agreement
On June 20, 2024, the parties exchanged copies of the agreement as part of the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Vietnam. The ceremony was held in the presence of the leaders of the two countries at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi. Head of the HSE delegation, Vice Rector Victoria Panova, and VNU Rector Le Quan also participated in the event. In addition, HSE University representatives signed a memorandum of understanding and an addendum with the Institute of Mathematics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

HSE University-St Petersburg and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Open Joint Laboratory

HSE University-St Petersburg and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Open Joint Laboratory
HSE University-St Petersburg and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) have opened a mirror laboratory in the sphere of social entrepreneurship. The opening ceremony of the Russian part of this laboratory took place in the framework of the International Partners' Days which gathered delegations from 23 foreign universities.

HSE Maintains Top Position in Russian University Ranking of English-language Websites

HSE Maintains Top Position in Russian University Ranking of English-language Websites
The Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) has presented an analytical report entitled 'Electronic Internationalisation Ranking of Russian Universities (2023).' One of its components is a ranking of English-language websites of Russian universities, with HSE University maintaining the top position.

HSE University and National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Agree on Cooperation

HSE University and National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Agree on Cooperation
In early February, HSE University's campus on Pokrovsky Bulvar hosted a meeting between HSE Vice Rector Victoria Panova and Abay Serikkanov, Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The parties explored potential areas of cooperation and concluded the meeting by signing a memorandum of intent.

‘Our Beloved University Continues to Stride Forward with Unwavering Confidence’

‘Our Beloved University Continues to Stride Forward with Unwavering Confidence’
HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov has congratulated university students, teachers, and staff on the upcoming New Year. ‘May each and every one of you spend these festive days in a heartwarming atmosphere, rejuvenating and reuniting with your families. I hope that the upcoming 2024 is filled with positive events in your lives, studies, and careers,’ he said.

HSE Launches English-Language Strategic Development Website

HSE Launches English-Language Strategic Development Website
The new website makes information on the university’s strategic development initiatives and opportunities available to international colleagues and partners. The Strategic Development Programme Office has launched anEnglish-language website to promote the implementation of HSE University’s integrated development programme. The website is an ‘entry point’ for international partners and students, informing them about the university’s strategic priorities, goals, and plans.

HSE English Portal Ranks First among Russian Universities’ International Websites

HSE English Portal Ranks First among Russian Universities’ International Websites
The Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) has published their latest analytics on the digital internationalisation of Russian universities. This year, the English version of HSE University web portal topped the list.

'It Is Crucial for HSE University to Strengthen the Positions of Russian Education and Science'

'It Is Crucial for HSE University to Strengthen the Positions of Russian Education and Science'
Delegations from Nanjing University and Renmin (People's) University of China have recently made their first visits to HSE University to explore potential areas of cooperation. The Chinese universities have expressed interest in initiating collaborative research projects, educational and academic mobility programmes.
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