HSE University Strategic Development

Tag "master's programmes "

HSE University-St Petersburg Launches Centre for Russian Language and Culture

HSE University-St Petersburg Launches Centre for Russian Language and Culture
In 2025, HSE University-St Petersburg opened the Centre for Russian Language and Culture at the School of Arts and Humanities. The centre offers various courses for international applicants, the largest of which is the 'Pre-University Programme', a Russian preparatory course for those intending to enrol in full-time bachelor's and master's programmes. Read on to find out more about the centre's activities, courses, and study conditions.

Victory in Life and in Games: GameDevFest Held at HSE

Victory in Life and in Games: GameDevFest Held at HSE
The second GameDevFest, a festival for computer game developers organised by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science (FCS), took place at the Pokrovka campus. Student developers showcased demo versions of their games, while guests and organisers discussed the state of the industry, opportunities for gamification, and game development education.

Master's Programme in 'Data Science' Accredited by AI Alliance Russia

Master's Programme in 'Data Science' Accredited by AI Alliance Russia
Based on the assessment results, the programme's strengths were identified as its broad coverage of educational disciplines, in-depth exploration of theoretical aspects in machine learning, the quality of staff, and the involvement of potential employers. This is the fifth educational programme at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science to receive this prestigious professional and public accreditation.

Online Campus of HSE University Sets New Admissions Record

Online Campus of HSE University Sets New Admissions Record
HSE University has announced the results of its 2023/24 online admissions campaign. The university, which leads in CIS countries in terms of the number of online programmes (three bachelor’s and 18 master’s), has once again attracted the most students this year with a total of 1,750 admissions.

‘Students at HSE University’s Faculty of Physics Receive a World-Class Education’

Mikhail Trunin
On October 10, 2016, the Faculty of Physics was created at HSE University. It was the university’s first natural science faculty. Its first master’s students graduated in 2019, its first bachelor’s students completed their studies in 2021, and the first doctoral students will do the same in 2023 after beginning their bachelor’s studies in 2017. In his interview, Mikhail Trunin, Dean of HSE University’s Faculty of Physics, talks about the Kapitsa educational system implemented at the faculty, the results that have been achieved in seven years of work, and what is still missing.

Engineering and Mathematics School Opens New Master’s Track in AI

Engineering and Mathematics School Opens New Master’s Track in AI
The Engineering and Mathematics School run by HSE University and VK is launching a new master’s track: AI Hardware and Software. The track will be part of the Master’s programme ‘Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems,’ and will be taught by VK experts and HSE University faculty.

The First Year Results of HSE University and VK Engineering and Mathematics School

The First Year Results of HSE University and VK Engineering and Mathematics School
Students from the Engineering and Mathematics School, a joint educational programme of HSE University and VK, defended their projects at the VK Moscow office. The students presented technology for generating animated 3D characters, a framework for the PHP language, an open service for creating neural networks and several other innovative IT solutions.