HSE University Strategic Development


Data Culture: New Times Require New Solutions

Data Culture: New Times Require New Solutions
The Data Culture Project, a module of the educational programme at HSE University, was launched seven years ago. At that time, it was already clear that the ability to work with data had become an essential skill for any professional, regardless of their field. Thousands of students have since participated in the project's courses, and now it has expanded to all HSE campuses. In 2024, a total of 26,903 students passed independent exams on digital skills. Several updates to the course are planned for the upcoming academic year. In this article, we discuss the changes expected for the Data Culture Project.

HSE University and University of Tehran Sign Cooperation Agreement

Nikita Anisimov and Seyed Mohammad Moghimi (centre)
In early July 2024, the HSE University delegation led by Rector Nikita Anisimov visited Iran to participate in ceremonies celebrating the 90th anniversary of the University of Tehran and the 1757th anniversary of higher education in Iran. During the visit, HSE representatives signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Tehran, and discussions were held with other organisations in the Islamic Republic.

‘We Work to Create a More Prosperous, Fair, and Safe World’

‘We Work to Create a More Prosperous, Fair, and Safe World’
On July 3–4, 2024, the IX BRICS Civil Forum was held in Moscow for the first time since the association was expanded by five new countries in January 2024. Participants emphasised the importance of personal interaction between public figures, civil activists, as well as the work they do to strengthen and enrich friendly relations between BRICS countries, based on mutual respect. The forum was organised by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, which is established at the HSE University.

BRICS Countries Support HSE University’s Project to Launch Fair Competition Platform

BRICS Countries Support HSE University’s Project to Launch Fair Competition Platform
A meeting of the BRICS Coordination Committee on Antimonopoly Policy was held in Geneva as part of Russia's BRICS Chairship in 2024. The meeting participants supported a project to launch a BRICS Interstate Platform on Fair Competition, developed by the International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre of HSE University and presented by the FAS of Russia as an initiative of the Russian Chairship.

‘Two Interdisciplinary Research Centres Can Create New Synergy between Themselves’

‘Two Interdisciplinary Research Centres Can Create New Synergy between Themselves’
In mid-June 2024, HSE University and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna held a joint working meeting. This meeting was the first under an agreement signed by the research centres in 2024, when HSE University and JINR agreed to jointly participate in experiments of the NICA megascience project, as well as interact in the field of theoretical and mathematical physics, information technology, and personnel training. These issues were the focus of the first working meeting. Details are in the JINR report.

HSE University and Vietnam National University Sign Cooperation Agreement

HSE University and Vietnam National University Sign Cooperation Agreement
On June 20, 2024, the parties exchanged copies of the agreement as part of the state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Vietnam. The ceremony was held in the presence of the leaders of the two countries at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi. Head of the HSE delegation, Vice Rector Victoria Panova, and VNU Rector Le Quan also participated in the event. In addition, HSE University representatives signed a memorandum of understanding and an addendum with the Institute of Mathematics of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

'We Are Open to Cooperation on an Equal Basis and Will Find a Path to a Better Future'

'We Are Open to Cooperation on an Equal Basis and Will Find a Path to a Better Future'
How are digital platforms contributing to sustainable development? How is international cooperation progressing in Eurasia? How should the Russia-India business dialogue proceed? HSE University's scientists presented their answers during expert discussions at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

HSE University Leads in 5 Subject Rankings of the ‘Three University Missions’

HSE University Leads in 5 Subject Rankings of the ‘Three University Missions’
The RAEX agency has published the subject rankings of Russian universities in 2024. According to the research, HSE University came first in 13 subjects and leads in five disciplines.

HSE University-St Petersburg and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Open Joint Laboratory

HSE University-St Petersburg and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Open Joint Laboratory
HSE University-St Petersburg and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) have opened a mirror laboratory in the sphere of social entrepreneurship. The opening ceremony of the Russian part of this laboratory took place in the framework of the International Partners' Days which gathered delegations from 23 foreign universities.

Russian-Italian Projects in Biomedicine Discussed at HSE University

Leonid Gokhberg, Aldo Spallone, Nikita Anisimov and Matteo Feurra
HSE University hosted an international mini-conference titled 'Search for new ways to develop Russian-Italian cooperation in the field of Biomedicine,' attended by scientists from both countries and HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov.